Charlie Rangel Beach Chair Peter Faherty

The Rise and Fall of Charlie Rangel: Ethics Violations and Congressional Censure


In 2008, Representative Charles Rangel was thrust into the spotlight for his alleged ethics violations. The House of Representatives took the unprecedented step of censuring Rangel, marking a significant event in American politics.

Rangel's Ethics Violations

Rangel was accused of multiple ethics violations, including soliciting donations from corporations and individuals with business before the House Ways and Means Committee, of which he was chairman. He was also charged with failing to report rental income from Dominican Republic property and accepting free trips from donors.

House Ethics Committee Investigation

A House Ethics Committee investigation concluded that Rangel had violated the House's ethics rules. The committee recommended that he be censured, the second-most severe punishment a congressman can receive.

Congressional Censure

On November 15, 2010, the House of Representatives voted to censure Rangel by a vote of 333-79. Censure is a formal reprimand issued by a legislative body against one of its members. It is a rare punishment, reserved for serious ethical misconduct.

Fallout and Legacy

The censure of Charlie Rangel had a significant impact on his political career. He was forced to step down from his chairmanship of the Ways and Means Committee and faced calls for his resignation. However, Rangel remained in Congress until his retirement in 2017.

The Rangel case serves as a reminder of the importance of ethical conduct by elected officials and the consequences that can result from violations of ethical standards.

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