Fans Protest Sms Treatment

International Business Times

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Red Velvet Trucks D2 Trends on Twitter

Fans Protest SM's Treatment


Red Velvet Trucks D2 has been trending on Twitter as fans of the K-pop group protest the treatment of the group by their label, SM Entertainment. Fans have been using the hashtag to share their concerns about the group's lack of promotions, unfair treatment, and lack of respect. The trend has gained significant traction, with over 6787k tweets using the hashtag as of July 4, 2020.

Fans have been particularly critical of SM Entertainment's decision to not give Red Velvet a proper world tour. The group has been active since 2014, but has only had one major concert tour in Asia. Fans have also been frustrated by the lack of promotions for the group's latest release, "Psycho." The song has been a commercial success, but has not received the same level of promotion as other SM Entertainment releases.

In addition to their concerns about promotions, fans have also been critical of SM Entertainment's treatment of Red Velvet's members. Fans have accused SM Entertainment of overworking the members, and not giving them enough time to rest or recover. Fans have also been critical of the company's handling of member Wendy's injury. Wendy suffered a serious injury in December 2019, and fans have been frustrated by the lack of updates on her condition.

The trend has gained the attention of SM Entertainment, who has since released a statement addressing the concerns of fans. The company has promised to improve the treatment of Red Velvet, and to give them a proper world tour. However, fans remain skeptical, and are continuing to use the hashtag to voice their concerns.

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