Acrylic Nail Crooked

Crooked Nails: Causes and Treatment


Crooked nails can be a frustrating and embarrassing problem. They can make it difficult to wear shoes or do other everyday activities. In some cases, crooked nails can even lead to pain or infection.

Causes of Crooked Nails

There are a number of different things that can cause crooked nails. These include: * Fungal infections: Fungal infections can cause nails to become thick, discolored, and brittle. This can make them more likely to grow in a crooked way. * Genetics: Some people are simply more likely to have crooked nails than others. This is due to the shape of their nail beds. * Incorrect trimming: Trimming your nails incorrectly can also lead to crooked nails. If you cut your nails too short, the nail bed can become irritated and inflamed. This can cause the nail to grow in a crooked way. * Accidents: Accidents can also damage the nail bed and cause crooked nails. This can happen if you stub your toe or drop something on your foot.

Treatment for Crooked Nails

There are a number of different treatments for crooked nails. These include: * Trimming the nail correctly: If your crooked nails are caused by incorrect trimming, simply trimming them correctly can help to solve the problem. Be sure to cut your nails straight across and avoid cutting them too short. * Wearing orthotics: Orthotics are devices that can help to realign the nail bed. This can help to straighten out crooked nails. * Surgery: In some cases, surgery may be necessary to correct crooked nails. This is typically only necessary if the other treatments have not been successful.


Crooked nails can be a frustrating problem, but they can be treated. If you are concerned about your crooked nails, be sure to see a podiatrist for evaluation and treatment.

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